In today's post, I will talk about something that is literally everywhere and you also need it, everywhere. By now you might be thinking of some things but, don't think hard because it is quite simple. Today I will talk about money but, more specifically what it has done to us. Nowadays you can't go anywhere without having any type of currency on you. Well only in some places but most of the time you might need money.
Ever since humans started to understand more about the society they've come up with a system. One of the first systems that worked well was the exchange of items. This system worked well but it wasn't enough for us humans. We wanted something more in exchange for our valuable items, something that could signify the value of our items. This is where the money comes in. Money, like I said, is a very valuable item because now this is what manipulates people the most. When I say this I don't mean it to hurt anyone but I'm just being realistic. I could go on and on, on this topic but like I always say, today I will only cover the general.

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